What is Justice, exactly? And how does one truly seek it and promote it?
This theme of Justice has been repeating itself in my life lately: in discussions, books, articles I read, noomas, and the online sermons I hear from my home church.
God is Just, and we are to seek to be like Him. Where? How? It seems that perhaps there are two different aspects to this.
First is how I live my daily, routine life – from how I interact with those around me to how I buy my groceries. I think of the passage in James 5:4+ “…Hear the cries of the field workers whom you have cheated of their pay . . .” After reading this passage with friends, we were led to a discussion of fair trade. Do we, by purchasing clothes and food virtually stolen by the rich companies from those who produced them, contribute to cheating the workers out of their pay?
The second feels bigger, bigger than just me and my surroundings. It’s global. I know that there is amazing injustice in the world – so much that it is hard to know where to start. Where should I start studying it, learning about, and seeking ways to help? Should I seek to involve myself in the causes of the greates, most inhumane injustices, where my effort could aggect the greates number of people (though perhaps, even for those causes it could not). Or should I perhaps pursue involvement in lesser-known situations in which fewer people are affected, but maybe my effort could be more “productive?”
I don’t think there is a universal answer to these questions, if so, if everyone directed their attention at the same issue, then thousands of other needs and millions of other people would be forgotten.
No, I think it is a matter of listening to my heart – where God speaks.
Two issues that have piqued my interest are the AIDS crises in Africa (the global implications and global influences) and Trafficking in Persons. The latter has impacted me a bit more because I actually see it here in Spain everyday (or at least I assume I do). The prostitutes and sellers of pirated CDs on the streets are very likely here, doing this out of force and threat.
I get the impression that these are owned people. They are slaves; they are trapped. I read in my home church bulletin that next month there will be a speaker at the Aeroapagus meeting from International Justice Mission. I’ve been reading a lot on their website, and I really wish I could hear that presentation.
Along with the desire to seek justice I want to bring physical healing and health. I want to nurse those who’ve been afflicted and oppressed in physical ways. I want to lay my hands on them and bring them comfort. I want to empower them by teaching and sharing knowledge about how to care for themselves best.
I don’t know now where these passions will lead me and us; but, as scary as it sounds, I don’t think it will include owning a nice little house in East Town any time soon. I may be wrong, and if that is God’s will, then I trust that he can and will use me there. We shall see…
Stop doing evil. Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the orphan. Fight for the rights of the widow. (Isaiah 1:17)
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