Los “Adios”
As the school year comes to an end, we find ourselves having to say “adios” to more and more people whom we’ve built friendships with and have grown to love. On Friday we attended a “farewell” party for our friends Karen and Warren Batts. Warren has accepted a managerial position in a new office that his company is opening in San Jose, Costa Rica. We’ve really enjoyed getting to know this couple. They were the second and third people we met after arriving in Spain last August. Karen helped us search for an apartment and open a bank account. She has also been my “tennis” partner (I think our record of hitting the ball back and forth non-stop was about 8!) – we had a lot of fun laughing at ourselves and one another as we ran all over the tennis court chasing balls.
The Batts
(Toby, Samuel, Zack, Alex)
We also said farewell to our German friend, Tobias. He joined our church in November and started attending our community group. He was quiet at first, and we thought maybe we all talked too fast for him to understand; but after he got to know us, he really opened up. He and Samuel took a road trip to the south of Spain two weeks ago (he even let Samuel drive!) and they had a great time getting to know each other better.
Although Madrid has become our home, having to say goodbye to the people who have made it our home has also made it feel lonely. I suppose that one benefit of meeting so many international, transient people, is that we’ll have a lot of places to stay all over the world!
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