38+ Weeks: Signs
After about a week of no real signs of impending labor (no pressure and few contractions), and praying for something to happen, I awoke at 6:30 yesterday morning to strong contractions about every 3 minutes.
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On a scale of 0-10 (with 0-3 being mild tightening without discomfort, 4-5 like menstrual cramps, 6-7 like sharp GI cramps, then 8-10 being increasingly stronger – of course), I ranked them at a 5-6. I had only had 3 hours of sleep when they began and had been sleeping on the couch that night since my hourly bathroom runs and the pile of pillows I need around me have been preventing Samuel from getting much sleep. Plus I had heartburn and I can sleep more elevated on the couch.
So the contractions continued every 3-5 minutes for the next 5 hours. Walking around on the roof, bouncing on the birth ball and taking a warm bath helped alleviate much of the discomfort. Over the next few hours it tapered off, especially once I was able to lie down with a hot rice pack to my lower abdomen and back. Then Judy my doula-massage therapist came over and gave me a great relaxing massage and did some acupressure, too. I’ve also had a lot of pressure on my bladder, so much that when I try to forcibly try to empty my bladder, it really hurts! It’s much easier (though gross and annoying) to just sort of leak
Last night I was able to take a long walk (about an hour), it felt good to be out after dark and despite the temperature still being about 90º, there was a nice breeze and it was good to move and stretch.
So last night I got the bed and Samuel slept in the living room (thankfully I haven’t had much heartburn the past day or two). I slept relatively comfortably for about five hours then started having regular cramping every 4 – 7 minutes. It wasn’t too bad at first and I was able to sort of sleep between the cramping, but I need the heat pack and eventually a hot bath to help get through them.
My whole belly is always tight, so I can’t really distinguish contractions, but I’d rank the cramps at a 6-7, and all the discomfort is very low in the pelvis. They are strong enough that they are difficult to talk through, I need to move and moaning seems to help, too.
So, as of Wednesday at 1pm, that’s where I am! Still cramping/contracting about every 5 minutes, I think, and wondering what the day and week will bring . . . Samuel called the midwife to make an appointment for Monday, but she doesn’t think I’ll make it that long. Here’s hoping she’s right! (Getting out to her office is not easy! Especially when it’s so hot and I’m uncomfortable!)
« Prenatal Care in Spain: 37 weeks Our Beautiful Home Birth of Isabela Elyse »
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isabela esta muy cerca ya,os falta muy poco para tocarla y besarla y ver su bonita cara ..animo!!ya queda menos..estoy deseando verla en fotos
mucho animo y suerte
pienso y rezo mucho para ti